Why the HCSB? – "The HCSB is a formal equivalence translation (word-for-word) which is very important when studying God’s Word. BUT it employs a dynamic equivalence (meaning-for-meaning) approach when the formal translation is too stilted for English understanding. It does this very sparingly but effectively in my experience with the translation."
A Critical Evaluation of Paedobaptism – "Consider the following to be a resource for seminary and Bible students who want a quick, clear, and accessible summary of the leading reasons why Reformed Baptists (and all biblical Christians) ought not to embrace the doctrine of infant baptism."
Ligonier asked: "What is the real scandal of the evangelical mind?" – Lack of historic orthodoxy. The evangelical world seems obsessed with "engaging culture" even as the average Christian's knowledge of the basics of the faith diminishes. You can go to heaven without being able to offer a Christian appreciation of film, art, or music; one cannot go to heaven without knowing who Jesus Christ is and what He has done.